Despite some major issues, the Old West Show was received, judged and hung. It looked wonderful. The show location in the lobby of the Veteran's Building certainly drew plenty of positive attention and walk though traffic.
Unfortunately there were communication issues with the administration and next year's show will remain in the location only if those communication issues can be worked out.
We could only have pulled off the show with the help our dedicated members so it would be great if you added your thanks to mine.
Kudos to our show chair Jacki McCoy who showed up at 6:30AM on Tuesday morning to ensure that none of our work was shifted around by the inexperienced hands on the Veteran's District set up crew. A big thank you also goes out to Gerald Kwok, Mike McMullin, Roberta Davis and her husband Jerry, Andrew Daley, Jeanne Naito and Meganne Gore who all showed up at 8 AM so we could shift the art out of the Veteran's room down to Board rooms A & B. I want to thank Alice Sutton who stepped up and did my work as well as her own so I could have my cancer surgery, and her husband Jim who designed our display under the Veteran's District restrictions and supervised the setting up and taking down of the standards. All of you guys were wonderful.
We will be discussing the show at our May board meeting and if you have suggestions we would welcome your input. The meeting is the 1st Wednesday, of May at the Denny's on Shaw and Willow. It starts at 5:30. We do order dinner while we are there.
We have had some communication issues with exactly which rooms we are going to be using for our general meetings, so I will try to post the room location on the web site each month. Since the Veteran's isn't doing it, we will be putting up our own signs. If any of you can come a little early, Alice has signs with Arrows, and we could use the help putting them up.
We are looking forward to a fun demo with Leislie Dearing in May. I hope to see all of you there.