Showing Tag: "art shows" (Show all posts)


Posted by Clovis Art Guild California on Friday, June 3, 2016, In : President's message 

Is it really June already? The miniature show is coming up faster than you think so I hope all of you have started your painting for this year. This year there have been quite a few changes. The Fresno Art Hub will be hosting the show this year. Many thanks to our gracious hostess Diane Breuer. The awards will be given out during Art Hop Thursday on July 7th so please come and support all our fine artists.  I look forward to seeing you there.

            We made some changes to the categorie...

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Good Friends

Posted by Clovis Art Guild California on Thursday, July 24, 2014, In : President's message 

Creating a “president’s Message” can be difficult; either I have so much to say that I can’t fit it all in, or I struggle with finding something relevant to say! July was a hard month for our members. At the time of this publication, John Roberts who has been a mainstay of the club for years is still recuperating in the hospital from ulcers, and Mary Lou Griggs, another long-time member was operated on for heart surgery and is still recovering. We also heard that Frank Sidoti who is...

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