So It Begins
Posted by Clovis Art Guild California on Sunday, February 26, 2017 Under: President's message
In : President's message
We’ve had a wonderful response to our request for volunteers for our Featured Artist!
Thank you for volunteering! I’m really looking forward to seeing your art! The artists will be:
March Julie Raymer
April Susan Elliott
May June Livingston
June Sandy Gunn
July Sue Porter
August Carol D Hoover
September Carole Anderson
October Mary Ann Ferstl
Yes, our meetings will be back in our old stomping grounds in the Veteran’s room for the foreseeable future. We still won’t have a kitchen available but that’s the breaks I guess. I'm looking forward to Sandy’s watercolor demo, and I hope you are as well.
If you haven’t started your painting for the Old West & Rodeo Art show yet, it's time to start moving on it! This year the show will be in the lobby of the Veterans District Building, so a lot more folks will see your work as they pass through it.
If you haven’t checked out the membership pages on our web site yet, please do that as soon as you can. This is a wonderful opportunity to show off your work, it gives you an internet presence, (a necessity in today’s world I am afraid), and its cheap for the price: only $25/per year. I will have a form at the Wednesday General Meeting for you to fill out if you want to take advantage of this opportunity. This is something no other art association offers to its members, so I hope you will help make Clovis Art Guild something special.
We are still in need of a Vice President. If you are interested in finding out more about this office, please ask Gail or Alice about it.
In : President's message