Old West Show A Success
Posted by Clovis Art Guild California on Monday, May 2, 2016 Under: President's message
In : President's message
The Old West Show was a rousing success despite a few starting glitches. A big thank you goes out to all of you who turned out to help with the show. Special thanks also to our judge, Dennis Lewis who not only turned up for the reception, but also stayed and shared his knowledge with artists and guests. A special insert has been included in this month’s issue showing the winners and a few shots of the show.
Speaking of shows, it’s time to get small. The miniature show will be held in July at The Fresno Art Hub this year. Thank you to Diane Breuer for hosting the show! This is a big departure for this show as it will be the first time it has been held in a real gallery! You can expect the prospectus to go out with next month’s newsletter.
We had a small turnout for our Pick Of The Month in April so I hope we can all do better in May. I look forward to seeing you at Sue Porter’s demo this month.
In : President's message