Posted by Clovis Art Guild California on Sunday, September 27, 2015 Under: President's message
In : President's message
Well, this certainly has been a month with a lot of unexpected changes. We no longer have the Window Gallery at Sierra Vista Mall as the new management company is going to be taking the mall into a direction that won’t allow room for our art in their empty storefronts. I do hope that many of you will take advantage of the opportunity to share your work with the Sunnyside Library patrons. Why put art in a local library when you can’t post prices on it? Because this is a way to raise public awareness of how many fine artists we have here in this community. The best way to raise art awareness is to put art out in places where John and Mary Public will see it. Except for a small percentage of the population, John and Mary Pubic are too busy working non-stop or taking their children to sports activities and have very little time to take in local galleries. They will however, take their children to the library. If art is displayed in that library, it gives parents and children the opportunity to recognize and see the local art culture. Historically, libraries have always been centers of the arts and culture for society.
We do have a couple of wonderful demos coming up in September and October. Don’t forget that this is the last month to enter art in Pick of the Month, because in October we will be choosing Pick of the Year.
Have you finished your art for the Fall art show? This will be our last show of the year. I hope you are taking advantage of the fall colors to bring us some wonderful scenes for the show.
In : President's message