Let's Keep In Touch!

Posted by Clovis Art Guild California on Thursday, September 18, 2014 Under: President's message

Wasn’t it wonderful to finally find out John was okay? This is a wakeup call to remind all of us how It is easy for us to lose track of members when we fall ill, especially if our family or close friends don’t know to let the Guild know about it. Please remember to put our Sunshine Chair Sandy Gunn on your list of friends to call so you family will know we worry about you! Sandy’s phone no is 916-4328.

With October coming up we all need to be thinking about officers for 2015. We badly need a secretary who can attend our meetings and type our minutes. Alice stepped into the vacancy, but she already does both Membership and Treasurer. I just know that one of our members will be willing to step up and volunteer for this position!

I hope you are all getting your art ready for our Fall show. I know we can make this a really great show. Don’t forget also to think about helping out with the show. Signup sheets will be available at the meetings.

Speaking of shows, Travis Hauert, the event director at Harlan Ranch saw our website and offered our members a wonderful opportunity to show off our work at their “Evening In Italy. Check out the artist call on page 2. I hope many of you will contact him as soon as possible. Just think how many new customers you could reach to show off your work!

In : President's message 

Tags: fall art show  presidents message